
Monday, April 30, 2012

{puppy sharpe}

We are about to become a family of three! Yes, we have a baby on the way and he is full of fur! That's right! The Sharpe's are getting a puppy! We have wanted a Goldendoodle literally the past 5 years. I felt like i was so hard to find the *perfect* breeder that wasn't too far away. Then I would veer off and tell Dale that I wanted a small puppy, then a doodle, then something else. He always kept saying, "Brooke we've always wanted a goldendoodle. Stick with it and we will get one!
  After what seemed like a never ending search, it all came to an end. A sweet girl I cheered with in high school put me in contact with a family that went to our high school. Crazy small world! They had one male left. What can I say? It was meant to be! 

We went to meet him on Sunday. All kinds of thoughts were going through our heads. Now, yall that know me know that when I know something will happen, I immediately start planning. Dale, on the other had, is more analytical and thinks things through. He keeps me grounded. He was excited too but wanted me to be objective when meeting him. As soon as the breeders got him out of the car we both melted! My heart literally turned to mush when she placed him in my arms. He was the sweetest little boy! He gave us kisses and loved to lay in our arms. He didn't whine to cry the entire time. It was so sweet the way he lie there with his little paws crossed like "look at how cute I am. Ready to take me home?" Unfortunately we cannot bring him home until he is about 8 weeks so we have about 3 weeks left.  ....{I've already bought a dog bed, a treat jar, puppy pads, and a toy..yes, I'm excited}

We absolutely cannot wait to bring this furball into our life. It is the first BIG decision we have made as a married couple. I am so excited to raise a sweet little pooch with my amazing husband! 


  1. Oh My Goodness! He is precious and makes me want another puppy for a second! Takes me back to the day we picked up Vali :) I even still have the pink blanket (from baby target haha!) that we picked her up with and she loves it. When we first brought JR home, it really was pretty similar to our first few nights with a puppy, but thankfully puppies have crates :) and learn to sleep through the night a little quicker! Can't wait to see more pictures when you bring him home.

  2. Congrats on adding to your family and making your first really BIG married decision! I can tell you that dogs add so very much to your life. Though there is added dog hair on the floor and doggy slobber might get on the furniture, I have to say that we have learned to overlook the negatives because the positives outweigh them. Our little corgi is as much a part of our life as Ana is. HA HA!!! For real, dogs love us no matter what. They trust us and they adore us. Here's to many years with your sweet goldendoodle!
