
Friday, June 29, 2012

{small town u.s.a}

Some of you may know that my amazing, smart hubs recently was accepted in to medical school. Along with this came a lot of different decisions. We would have to move for him to be closer to school in order to study in to the wee hours of the morning. Thus, we began the house hunt

His school has a "classifieds" section on the website where former students or people in the area rent homes to the med students. For 2 weeks straight, I swear, every single house I called about that looked "perfect" for us was already rented out. I got very stressed and very distraught. Were we ever going to find a house? We finally found what we thought was the perfect home. Completely re-done in 2008, 2 br/2 ba blah blah blah...anyway long story short, the dude completely screwed us over {and I mean that in the nicest way possible}. Our hearts were set on this house. 

So, the search began once again. One day I was searching and came across a perfect, brand new home. We went up the very next day to tour and talk with the owner. It was absolutely perfect! Fenced in yard for Polo, 3 br/2 ba, wood floors, and brand new! I wasn't getting my heart set on it because I didn't want it to fall through. The guy originally wanted to sell decided to let us rent! We are beyond thrilled we will be moving next week! It's all happening so fast!

We will be moving to about an 1 hr 15 min from beloved knoxville. This means no Earth Fare, no mall, no neighborhood barre {don't get me started I might cry}, no restaurants {unless you are the Long John Silver type}. However, this will be such a fun season in our lives! It will be fun to experience a small town since I never have before, always living in big cities. We will get to experience the outdoors together, take Polo on hikes, have cook out with our "new" friends {don't know who these people are yet but they are there haha}. I am so excited for Dale as be begins this journey that he has dreamed of his whole life! I will be a proud wife standing by him every step of the way! 

We will keep you updated with pics as we get it decorated!


  1. I didn't realize when you said you found a house that that meant you were moving to a different city! That's exciting! You're house sounds amazing and so perfect. I cannot wait to see all of your upcoming changes. When do you move? I hope that everything goes well as you pack up and leave Knoxville.

    1. YES! Isn't that crazy?!?! Not really a city...but a town! Hehe! We are excited, we've never lived in a "town" before so we are excited to be there! We move TOMORROW! I will post pics asap. Have to decorate first. Crazy we are both going through a major move to a brand new place!
