
Sunday, August 5, 2012

{weekend recap}

This past weekend went by all too fast. My last weekend of summer before I jump back in to work. Thank goodness it was filled with bunches of fun!

Friday night, our new friends had a cook out! I made skinny pool side dip via pintrest! Yum! It was so great to hang out, have some bevvys and great convo with friends and couples who are our age! We had so much fun and look forward to many more fun times with these friends! 

Saturday we made the trip back to Louisville for a high school friend's wedding. We got to catch up with a ton of people we went to high school with which was so much fun! I even got to hang out with my friend, Kelsey! Twice in one summer?! Score! You know those friends you have that you can go months with out seeing them and then when you do, you pick up right where you left off? That's Kelsey! 
The wedding was so beautiful and so much fun! 


My hubby and his high school buddies!
It was a perfect ending to our summer. Tomorrow I go back to work at my new school as the new teacher! I definitely enjoyed the summer as a "stay-at-home-wife" and mommy to our puppy but I am ready to get back in to a normal routine again!

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