
Monday, February 4, 2013

{a european vacation}

We've set a date, purchased the airplane tickets and are more than ready to go! 

I studied in London two years ago and loved every minute of it. Ever since my return, I've been dying to go back with Dale. This summer is going to be our only summer for like the next 10 years with Dale being in med school, so we decided to do it big! We are traveling to Europe with another one of our awesome couple friends for almost 3 weeks. 

We will be traveling to Paris, Italy, Barcelona, Amsterdam, and London. 
Anyone have any suggestions of "must do's" while we are there? I would love any and all helpful hints such as places to stay, food to eat, things to see.

Here are some pictures from my trip abroad and what I'd like to see.

Places I'd Like To See

Please e-mail me at for some suggestions
Thanks for your help!!


  1. Uh holy crap! You have no idea how jealous I am. So fun for you!

  2. wow, gorgeous photos!!! I'm so jealous, i've been dying to go to europe!! you'll have so much fun!!

    {love jenny xoxo}

  3. Eeeeek! You must eat Pesto Lasanga in Cinque Terra. Pesto was invented there and it is to die for. Seriously...

  4. Jealous! What a wonderful (and romantic) trip to look forward to!

  5. This sounds so amazing! London is one of my favorite cities ever - I love every museum and the British Library and going to the top of St. Paul's cathedral. And in Italy... I totally agree with Cinque Terre as a must see region - it's so beautiful. Lake Como was also lovely, as is Tuscany in general. Venice in the summer is like going to Disneyworld, it's such a zoo, so I preferred Florence and Rome. Also in Italy you must eat gelato every day (maybe even twice a day).
