
Friday, February 20, 2015

Beckett: Two Months

Beckett // Two Months
Weight// 10lb 10 oz
Height// 23 in

Two Month Details // This month has been SO much fun! Beckett is becoming more alert during the day which makes her so much fun to interact with. I spend my whole day trying to make her smile. My cheeks seriously hurt at night from smiling at her all day! It's the best way to spend my days!! Beckett LOVES her daddy! She absolutely lights up when Dale comes home and she talks to him WAY more than she does me! Daddy daughter love is the best and melts my heart!
//Sweet P came to visit!
//went shopping for the first time

Clothes & Diapers // 0-3 months //size 1 diapers

Health // Happy and Healthy! Trying to stay away from the nasty flu germs.

Diet // 100% Breast milk 

Sleep // taking all naps in her crib & sleeping 7p-7a.  i wake her at 10p to "dream feed". at 7.5 weeks started sleeping through the night!!! Hallelujah 

Baby Gear Love // kick n' play piano gym //LOVE the miracle blanket--biggest recommendation for all new/expecting mamas //loves to watch and listen to the Leap Frog "My Pal Violet"  //still loving the ergo

Likes // loves being swaddled// loves having her booty patted // bouncing on the yoga ball//loves listening to mommy and daddy talk and make funny noises  // looking at herself in the mirror//shaking her rattle

Dislikes// still hates pacis //is slowly starting to not hate a bottle// tummy time {I get her to do tummy time by laying her on my belly so that she has to pick her head up to look at me} 

Crying //  She is a very happy baby! She cries when she gets dressed, when I put lotion on her, and when she is tired. We are thankful for such a happy little girl!

Milestones // smiling, cooing, flapping at dangling toys, tracking objects, studies our faces, rolls to her side from her back, held a rattle for the first time
*She has rolled over from belly to back three times now by accident because she does not like tummy time so she makes herself flip over haha!

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