
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Beckett// 5 Months

Beckett // 5 months
Weight//  about 14 lbs or so 
Height// no idea we go to the dr. next month

Five Month Events // 
This month was FULL of traveling!
Traveled to Frisco, TX for AdvoCare Leadership School
you did AMAZING on our 4.5 hour road trip and slept through the night in the hotel!
Sweet P came to visit
Traveled to PA for Daddy's Board Exam and visited Mimi, Papa Bear, and Auntie K
First time on an airplane and you ROCKED. You slept the whole time!
First time in the pool

Clothes & Diapers //
at the beginning still 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers
moved to 6 mo clothes and size  2 diapers

Health //
She has stayed healthy. Probably because she's never around other kids (oops).
She's not allowed to go to my gym's nursery until she's 6 months so she may get some germ exposure there haha

Diet //
Breast Milk
oatmeal cereal for fun and she loves it!

Sleep //
was 100% sleeping through the night 7:15p-7:00a
18 weeks started waking up 1-2 times per night
Gave her more awake time during the day and
she went back to sleeping 12 hours at night thank goodness! 

Baby Gear Love //
anything she can chew on
loves to watch and reach for the crawl ball

Likes //
loves when we make silly noises and she tries to copy them--so funny!
still LOVES her bath
when mommy "eats" beckett's hands
rubbing daddy's beard
blowing raspberries 

being tired
being strapped in ANYTHING-- high chair, carseat, stroller
doesn't love the bumbo- she arches her back over the back of the chair

Crying //
cries when she's tired and when she's bored/impatient
BAWLS when I start the vacuum while she's awake. If she's in the same room that I am vacuuming she stars WAILING and it breaks my heart. 

New This Month //
rolled over belly to back
rolled over back to belly
reaching for toys that are beside her and in front of her
reaching for mommy and daddy (LOVE THIS)
loves feeling textures (polos hair and daddy's beard)
sitting with little support
will stand from sitting if we hold her hands

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