
Sunday, January 13, 2013


I guess the theme for this weekend is "procrastination". I was nominated for this awesome award over a month ago from two of my favorite blogs Lindsay from Lady B and Sarah from Misadventures of the Critically Blonde . I guess I've been putting it off because I didn't think people would think that I am "interesting" or a "favorite" {Liebster}. This award is given to blogs who have less than 200 followers. Let's give it a go--

1. What’s your favorite time of day? Monday through Friday my favorite time of day is 3:30 when I get home to see my precious fur ball. If it's nice outside, we meet up with friends and their puppies and go on a 5 mile walk! It's always so nice and refreshing to get outside and chat with friends all while getting some exercise.

2. Out of the four seasons, winter, spring, summer, fall, which one is your favorite  Why? SUMMER! Because I'm a teacher and I still get summer breaks! I love the warm weather, summer clothes, and "playing" outside! I can't say that I enjoy basking in the sun as much as I used to since now you can catch me at the pool with 50+ SPF and a huge hat to cover my face. Oh well, guess I'll have less wrinkles? Gotta look at the bright side!

3. If you could dye your hair any color for one day, what would it be? I've been coloring my hair since like middle school that I don't even know what my "natural" color is. If I had to guess I'd say ASH. I'm pretty sure I've already tried every color under the sun. you see, in high school I wanted to BE Mary Kate Olsen. When she dyed her hair, I dyed mine. She went black, so I went black. She went red, so red I went. These days I keep it a "normal" brown. But, if I had to choose I'd say I'd be a bright blond for a day just to see if blonds really do have more fun!

4. Name one thing you’d love to try. I would love to try gardening. That's actually on my 2013 goal list this year. As a child the closest thing my family had to a garden was a tomato plant that grew like 1 tomato.  I would love to learn about growing my own veggies and turning that dream in to a reality.

5. What type of shoes would you wear at your dream job? {heels, flats, runners, boot, bare feet, slippers haha!} If I had it my way, I'd wake up to the Today Show, spend my morning sipping coffee, watching the news in my pjs. So, slippers it is! 

6. What is your one thing that you do in life that is just for you? I try to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. I try to eat healthy and exercise for ME. 

7. How many kids do you want? I want a house FULL of kids running around, making messes, bringing friends over for dinner! If I had it my way, we will have a soccer team. But let's be realistic... maybe 3 or 4! 

8. What would you say is the one meal you have perfected over the years? I'm going to go with ethnic group rather than one "meal" and change the question around a little bit. If I had to choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life, I think it would be mexican! I could eat chips and queso for days! 

9. How did you meet your husband? Dale and I met in the 7th grade when he first moved to Louisville, KY! I can remember seeing him in the office registering for his first day and going back to tell my friend "There is a HOT guy in the office. I hope he's in our grade!" Little did I know I'd marry that "hot" guy in the office! 

10. Where is your all time favorite place to shop? If i could afford it--J. Crew! I typically shop at Loft, TJ Maxx (yes, I'm a maxxanista haha). I like to buy clothes that I can make versatile. I buy stuff that I can wear to work or during a casual Saturday. 

11. How did you come up with your blog name? I've always been a sucker for alliteration. Silly, I know. I wanted my blog to have a "ring" to it. I knew I wanted our last name in it, since it is a journey of our lives as newlyweds. Serendipity just made sense because things happen every single day that we never expect that turn out better than we could've dreamed! 

Now it's my turn to nominate some of my favorite blogs -- Jenna from The Bechtholts, one of my new favorites. This girl takes amazing pictures!  I could look at her blog all day! -- Mary Claire from Les Cuisiniers  another one of my new favorites. Blogging about her life as a newlywed and shares amazing recipes! Aileen from Happy Little Southern Nest. SO fun to keep up with a sorority sister through our blogs! Join her on her journey through travels, amazing eats, and new life in North Carolina! -- Amanda from The Brandon and Amanda Story. Follow her life as a precious newlywed with two sweet pups and an awesome new job in the fitness field! 


  1. Thanks for recommending me :) I'm also a maxxanista haha it's the best!

  2. Congrats on the award! :) I have received a few but never get around to answering the questions and giving other nominations so at least you got around to it! lol I just found your blog and I'm loving it (and your alliteration-intended blog name)! :)
    aka your newest follower

  3. Brooke! I Loved reading your post. Too funny how similar we are. But, it's those common interestes that keep me loving your blog :) Take Care!


  4. Congrats! Awards are fun! Love your blog, now following you!
