
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

{what i'm loving wednesday}

Happy Hump Day!!
I'm linking up with Jamie for the first time for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

What I love most about these posts are that they force you to search for the positive aspects of your week.

What I'm loving MOST about today is that we had the E N T I R E day off of school today! I am a teacher and these cancelled school days are like gold! I got the "all call" last night at 8 p.m. and may or may not have screamed a few profanities (in a good way) when they told us we had the day off due to "inclement" weather! I'm not even sure what this means exactly, but I'll take it! I'm enjoying my whole morning in my pjs, drinking coffee, watching the today show, and blogging, of course.

I'm loving my new blog header! I have been searching for the perfect font for a while and I think I finally found it. I wanted something simple and cute! What do you think?

All of my Valentine's decorations. I don't know what makes this year different because I usually dislike v-day. Like to the point where we never trade gifts and all we did last year was have a "romantic" meal at Qdoba. This year, I am going all out with the decorations! I think part of it was that I was ready to get my Christmas decorations down and do something new. My husband told his friend the other day that I had decorated for Valentine's day. Friend says, "What? You all decorate for Valentine's Day?" Dale says, "Yeah, we don't even have regular decorations, we just decorate for every holiday." haha Which is so NOT true, but funny! 

Another thing I'm loving about this week is getting to be at home today with my sweet, cuddly furball! This week I discovered I cannot do a n y t h i n g without him right by my side. I was doing Jillian 30 Day Shred and got down to do some crunches and this fur laid right on my stomach like "nuh-uh you aren't lying down and not petting me!" It was too funny to not take a picture!

{yes, I have on a greatful dead t's from halloween haha}

{These} Cake Batter "Blondies" I made from scratch last night. Talk about a sugar coma. I could have eaten the whole pan!


  1. Yumm! Those cake batter blondies look good and your V-day decor looks super cute! :)

    1. Thank you! I was itching to add some hot pink and red to my kitchen table!

  2. So cute I love the new font & valentine's decorations! I think I'm going to have to go get some!

    1. Yeay! Glad you like the new font! Target has some cute v-day decor!
