
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Beckett// 12 Months

Beckett //12 Months
Weight// 19.8 lbs
Height// 29 inches

Twelve Month Events// 
I can't believe we have a one year old. Everyone always told me that time flies when you have a baby but I never understood it until I lived it. It feels like I was pregnant like 3 months ago. This has been the most fun year of our lives and it is such a joy watching Beckett learn and grow!

12 month pictures have been the hardest by FAR. I started sweating about 2 minutes in and finally decided to just let her hold the sticker because that's all she wanted to do.
-celebrated Trent's birthday
-celebrated Thanksgiving and ate ALL of the food
-had one year photos taken
-played with Hank, Garret and Aiden
-went to the zoo

Clothes & Diapers //
12 month clothes
size 3 diapers

Health //
Healthy girl! Praise Jesus!
Beckett got 3 new teeth for a total of 8 teeth!! 

Diet //
Down to one bottle before bed. All other meals are combined with a straw cup.
Mixing formula with hemp milk to begin the transition to only hemp milk.

Eats 3 meals and one snack a day- all the same food we eat

Obsessed with "nanas", tacos, chicken, waffles, and puffs

Sleep //
still sleeping awesome.
12 hours at night 7-7
2 naps during the day

Baby Gear Love //
right now she loves anything that ISN'T a baby toy
She loves car keys, water bottles, tylenol bottles

I walked in to the gym nursery the other day and there were two little girls carrying around baby dolls and beckett had a pretend syringe in her hand (future doctor's kid)

Likes // 
being tickled
eating oh my gosh this girl can eat
ripping paper (good thing christmas is coming)

sitting still 

Milestones //
stands by herself
cruising around furniture
uses only straw cups
finds something "dirty" on the ground and will hand it to us
blows on food when i tell her it's hot
new words this month: no no no, bye bye, nana
can sign: eat, milk, all done, please, more
new sounds: elephant, bear, santa 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Beckett's Birth Story {one year later}

I originally wrote this post on 1/3/15 but decided to wait until close to her first birthday to post her birth story. I wanted to post this so that I can go back and re- live this day!

The most empowering, strongest, and best day of my life! 

My due date was 12.15.14 
We waited and waited and waited for Beckett's arrival and she decided she wanted to be fashionably late. We tried every old wives tale to induce labor: pineapple, walked 36 miles in a week, made eggplant parmesan...we did it ALL! 

We went to the Dr. on Dec. 15th and I was 75% effaced but 0cm dilated. I cried. We discussed an induction since I was showing no signs of dilation. I wanted Beckett to be here before Christmas and my Dr. didn't want me going past 41 weeks. 

We set the date for 12.19.14

The "plan" was to go in at midnight, get 2 doses of a medication to help me dilate, the Dr. would break my water, and start me on pitocin. But my HOPE was that after one dose of the medication to help me dilate that my body would go in to labor on it's own. 

Dale and I arrived at the hospital on 12.19 at 12:30am to check in. I was given 1 dose of medication at 1:30 am and tried to get some sleep. I was woken up at 5:55 am and woke Dale up. I said, "either I just peed or my water just broke." I pressed the call button for the nurse and she quickly came in. She checked me and I was 3 cm dilated and now having STRONG, consistent contractions that were 1:30-2:00 min apart. Thankfully I didn't have to have a 2nd dose of medication, didn't have to have them break my water, and didn't need pitocin. My body just needed a teeny kick start!

Dale was so amazing through my entire labor. Dale rubbed my back through each contraction, watched the monitor during my contractions and let me know when they were easing up, and helped me breathe. 

The nurse came in around 7:30am and told me that the CRNA was going in to 2 back to back c-sections and if I wanted an epidural then I needed it NOW. I declined. I wanted to push through and experience EVERY part of labor naturally....and boy I did! 

I continued to have strong contractions until about 9:00am and they kicked in FULL FORCE. I was literally yelling. I'm sure everyone on the L&D floor heard me yelling through each contraction. I called the nurse back in and said, "you have to check me now because I NEED to push." For some reason I was convinced that I would only be 5 cm or so and not be able to push yet.  She checked me and quickly made a call and said, "we have a delivery in room one ready to go!" My dr. wasn't even at the hospital, they had to call him over from the clinic. Luckily, I had amazing nurses and an amazing husband who coached me through the entire process. I continued to yell and finally a nurse said, "instead of yelling, just push" Praise the Lord! Pushing actually felt good, in a weird way! 

Our Doctor and Dale got pretty close through my entire pregnancy and since he knew Dale was in medical school and just completed an OBGYN rotation, he gave Dale a gown and gloves and said, "get ready to deliver your baby girl!"
Dale was holding my hand at the time and the nurse took his spot.

I only had to push for 10 min and Beckett made her debut at 9:42 am and her daddy delivered her which was the most proud moment of Dale's life! Not many kids can say that their daddy delivered them! The nurse handed me the scissors and let me cut her umbilical cord!

What special memories we have of 12.19.14! The Lord blessed us with our beautiful Beckett weighing in at 6 lbs 14 oz, 20 in. long!

I could go back and re-live this day 1,000 more times. We are so thankful for such a beautiful and healthy delivery!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Beckett// 11 Months

Beckett // 11 Months
Weight// 18.6 lbs (weighed at home) 
Height// 29 in? (tried to measure at home but moves a ton)

Eleven Month Details // 
Spent it all in PA with Mimi, Papa, and Auntie K
Celebrated her first Halloween as a strawberry
Went to the Philly Zoo
Started pushing her walker
Went to Knoxville
Went to a petting zoo
Auntie Meg came to visit
Saw Santa
Daddy finished away rotations
Came back to KY! 

Clothes & Diapers //
12 month clothes
size 3 diapers 

Health //
healthy this month! finally
cut 1 more tooth- has 3 teeth on top 

Diet //
bottle 2x a day, sippy cup 2x a day, 3 meals plus a snack.
eats whatever we eat!

we think she has a little issue with dairy. She doesn't act like it bothers her tummy but she always gets a diaper rash when she eats dairy so we've eliminated that from her diet.

Sleep //
i say this every month but she's a wonderful sleeper.
i'm sure we will be cursed with baby #2
time change didn't effect her at all.
still taking 2 naps and sleeps 12 hours at night

Baby Gear Love //
water bottles
baby dolls

Likes //
waving at LITERALLY everyone she sees and people in the store!!
climbing the stairs
pulling up on EVERYTHING
finding little pieces of grass or dirt on the floor and eating it
intentionally dropping her cup off her high chair just so she can say "uh oh"
Giving Polo treats (cutest EVER) I hand her a treat and she leans down to give it to Polo and claps when he takes it from her!!!
Throwing a ball
Mimi's dog Sugar (has the cutest high pitched voice for sugar)

being tired
having anything taken away from her

Milestones //
SO MANY this month so bear with me!!!
walking while holding on to furniture
new words this month:  "hot" "uh oh" "bye bye" "night night" "quack quack" "eyes"
knows what "no" means. she will stop dead in her tracks when I say "no"
makes the cutest squealy voice when she talks to the dogs
will stretch on command (puts arms in the air)
tries to snap
loves to give high fives
signs "please" "all done" and "more"

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Beckett// 10 Months

Beckett // 10 Months
Weight// 17.5 lbs
Height// 28 in
*this is a long post because we've been super busy this month*
Ten Month Events// 
Traveled a TONNNN
Went to Lansing, MI to visit Daddy
Visited with Kate, Jeremy, and Cassidy
Naples, FL to visit Sweet P and Grampy
Kingsport to see Emery and Jennifer
Left for PA for a month to see Mimi, Papa Bear, and Auntie K
pumpkin patch

Clothes & Diapers //
FINALLY size 3 diapers
some 6-9 month clothes mostly 9-12 month
9 month PJs are getting too short so we switched to 12 month

Health //
-ugh Beckett has kept a runny nose since we've been in Louisville The pedi thinks she has allergies and she is on children's claritin once a day.
-every time we leave Lou. her runny nose clears up
-two days ago Beckett threw up for the first time. We think it was a combo of drool and drainage from crying but still it broke my mama heart
-horrible diaper rash STILL. we've literally tried EVERYTHING. I feel so bad for her

Diet //
still gets 4 7oz bottles
3 solids meals a day
this little girl LOVES salmon and broccoli
breakfast is usually eggs, fruit, and a waffle
lunch: turkey and veggies
dinner: leftovers, pasta, or whatever we are eating

Sleep //
2 naps 

Baby Gear Love //
doesn't love much "gear" any more. She actually prefers anything BUT her toys.

Likes //
singing songs
being tickled
eyelashes on people and baby dolls 

putting on coats
diaper changes because of diaper rash

Milestones //
cutting 2 more teeth on top
knows sounds of dogs and monkeys
signs "more" and "please"
says mama, dada, baba, water,
crawls like a champ
pulls to standing
puts her arms up in the air when we say "touchdown tennessee"
dances on command when we say "oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah"

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Beckett// 9 months

Beckett // 9 Months
Weight// 17.5 lbs (gained a whole pound this month!)
Height// 27.5 in

9 Month Events // 
Visited Daddy in Columbus and LOVED it
went to the zoo
went to a pumpkin patch
Daddy came to KY to see us

Clothes & Diapers //
size 2 diapers most of the month but FINALLY switched to size 3!
mostly 6 month outfits since it's been so hot and she still fits in them! but she's pretty much outgrown all of them. 

Health //
this has been a crazy month health wise!
-had her second cold thanks to the church nursery
-spiked a pretty high fever but thanks to skin to skin and tylenol we brought it down pretty quick
-had a horrendous diaper rash and had to go to the doctor. we got a prescription diaper rash cream (that wasn't covered by insurance!!!!!$60 for CREAM!), used corn starch with every diaper change, and gave her a probiotic 2x a day and it cleared right up! 

Diet //
4 liquid meals even though she rarely finishes a bottle
3 solid meals
loves all veggies, fruit, and yogurt melts
she doesn't get too excited about food (just like her daddy) but she doesn't hate anything either (except pureed meat but I don't blame her) so i'll take it! 

Sleep //
still amazing. 7p-7a
dropped her afternoon cat nap
2- 1.5 hour naps during the day

Baby Gear Love //
anything she can chew on
giraffe lovey

Likes //
sleeping with her giraffe
water in ALL forms- bath, pool, drinking water--she loves it all!!
singing and listening to music 

strangers --hello stranger danger
getting strapped in to anything but she's fine once she's in

Milestones //
cut top two teeth
gives hugs--omg cutest thing EVER
Pulling up to standing
Crawling on all 4s 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Beckett// 8 Months

Beckett // 8 Months
Weight// 16.5 lbs 
Height// 27 in
small but mighty!
Eight Month Events // 
wow. this month has been busy busy busy
we traveled to florida to visit daddy
went to the tampa aquarium
louisville zoo
first homearama
daddy stopped through Louisville on his way to Michigan to visit
decided we were moving to louisville
packed up our house in AR and moved to KY!!
lunch with tons of friends

Clothes & Diapers //
some 6 month clothes and some 9 month clothes
size 2 diapers
*switched to honest co. diapers bc Beckett has pretty much kept a diaper rash since day 1. I am kicking myself for not switching her sooner. Her diaper rash has been gone since we switched to honest co!! 

Health //
healthy! no problems!

Diet //
eats 3 solid meals a day and 4 liquid meals
loves ALL food!
prefers drinking out of a normal cup over a sippy cup 

Sleep //
I know our next baby is probably going to be a terrible sleeper since Beckett is such a great sleeper
takes 2 1.5 hour naps a day and sometimes a 30-45 min cat nap in the evening
7:15pm-7:00 am without a peep!

Baby Gear Love //
baby pool
pretend cell phone
mommy's tennis shoes (laces)

Likes //
brushing her teeth
the bath and swimming pool! Water is her jam!
drinking out of big girl cups
feeding herself
people with glasses
itsy bisty spider and patty cake

running water behind her in the bathtub--she literally tries to crawl out of the bath
getting her face cleaned off after eating
staying up past bedtime 

Milestones //
pincer grasp
does "so big" and holds her arms up in the air
clasps her hands and shakes up and down like she wants to clap
waves bye bye
smacks her lips together to gives kisses

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Beckett// 7 Months

Beckett // 7 Months
Weight// 15.8 (weighed at home)
Height// 27 in (measured at home)

Seven Month Events // 
This one goes at the top of my list: BECKETT IS OFFICIALLY A BOTTLE CHAMP!!!
12 hour road trip to Louisville and she was a saint!
Stayed in Louisville for a whole month. We've had so much fun!
Visited with Trent, Leighton, Garrett & Hank
Met her extended family!
Left for Florida to visit DADDY!!!

Beckett is so funny. When she around people that she knows and recognizes she's so talkative and smiley but when we are in a new environment around new people she is very stoic and takes it all in. She's a curious little one and I love to watch her study people and things!

Clothes & Diapers //
Size 2 Diaper -still don't see that changing any time soon although the straps no longer touch!
6 Month Clothes

This month we switched to Pampers Baby Dry for overnight diapers. Beckett was leaking out of her diapers every single night. So far the baby dry have been amazing. 

Health // 
I was able to start taking Beckett to my gym's child care when she turned 6 months and of course she caught her first cold. Nose Frieda FTW!!

Diet //
Tried peaches, nectarines, avocado, bananas, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, zucchini, squash, pears, watermelon and so many more and LOVES them all!!!

Now that Beckett takes a bottle I think she prefers a bottle over me which is totally fine- I'm taking her lead on that one. I've been giving her a bottle before bed time now so I can see that she is getting a full belly before bed and it has been amazing! Every single night that we have done that she's not made  peep from 7:00 pm- 7:00 am!

Sleep //
Back on track with sleeping!
Sleeps 7p-7a
Takes 2 1.5 hour naps and sometimes a 30 min cat nap in the evening

Baby Gear Love //
Still obsessed with her jumper
Books, books, books
so interested in all of your toys, especially the ones that sing
since she's obsessed with my phone we bought her a baby phone and she loves it!

Likes //
playing patty cake
sitting up
being tickled
peoples noses
facial hair
hats (on other people)
chewing on everything
labels, tags, and stickers
still loves the water--little fishy! 

putting on pjs after a bath--she's ready to eat and go to bed
being tired/staying up past bed time
Nose Frieda 

Milestones //
Has both bottom teeth
says "mama" "dada" "wawa" "nana"
is now ticklish
pincer grasp down pat
sitting like a champ and reaching for things around her
wants to crawl so bad. She kicks her arms and legs like she's swimming but hasn't quite figured out the legs and arms together
started taking bottles- PTL!!!! 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Beckett// 6 Months

Beckett // 6 Months
Weight// 14 lbs 4 oz
Height// 26.75 inches
I feel like her weight was wrong at the doctor. The nurse did it super fast. At home she is 15+ lbs on our scale but oh well! 

**I know these are long posts but I like to document so that I can go back and remember what Beckett was doing at each age!
Six Month Events // 
Ok. So far this is my favorite age! Beckett is developing a little personality, likes and dislikes, is able to stay awake a lot longer BUT she's not on the move yet and she's still my little baby!
I feel like I say this every month but Beckett has really changed SO much this past month. She is so curious and full of expression. A lot of people in the airport commented on how she has so many different expressions. Beckett became a lot more vocal this month too. She LOVES reaching and when she gets excited she kicks her legs and waves her arms like she is splashing in the water. Speaking of water, we took Beckett to the beach this month! We went with Dale's side of the family to Hilton Head! Beckett loved the ocean and she was so good the whole time! I will do an individual post with our beach pictures.
Clothes & Diapers //
Size 2 diapers (don't see that changing any time soon)
6 months 

Health //
Healthy girl!
Started teething this month so she's been super drooly and fussy in the evenings 

Diet //
Breast milk
We started a few solids when she was a couple days shy of her 6 month birthday. We are doing Baby Led Weaning and Beckett is so great at grabbing food and chewing it!
OH! And homegirl decided to start taking bottles this month!! We aren't planning to switch to bottles any time soon but it will give me break when I want or need it! 

Sleep //
oh gosh. where do I even begin?
My amazing sleeper changed at 5 months. Between leap #5 and teething her nighttime sleep has been all over the place. She still sleeps well- goes down at 7 and wakes up at 7 but she's been waking 1-2 times a night and that is not normal for her. When she wakes I nurse her and she goes right back to sleep but I'm really trying to not start that habit!
Takes 2-2 hour naps and sometimes 1 30 min cat nap in the evening.
Started sleeping on her belly. 

Baby Gear Love //
Beckett fell in LOVE with her toys this month!
LOVES her jumperoo
crawl ball
my pal violet
push walker-she sits in front of it and presses the buttons
loves any toy that lights up and/or sings
sophie the giraffe

Likes //
reaches for EVERYTHING
loves feeling every wreath we walk past
always reaches for my water bottle/ spark cup
LOVES her Daddy and thinks he is the funniest person in the world
Giggles when Daddy gives her kisses and it melts my heart!
finds the tag on everything! Even on taggies toys she still finds the "real" tag
singing "Old McDonald" she loves when i do the chick and say "peep peep peep"

Beckett does not like having her face and hands wiped off after a messy oatmeal breakfast
still doesn't love the bumbo she would prefer to sit on her own
teething :(

Crying //
teething pain and it breaks my heart
when she's tired

Milestones //
rolling over like crazy
started sleeping on her belly
sitting up!
signing "more"

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Beckett// 5 Months

Beckett // 5 months
Weight//  about 14 lbs or so 
Height// no idea we go to the dr. next month

Five Month Events // 
This month was FULL of traveling!
Traveled to Frisco, TX for AdvoCare Leadership School
you did AMAZING on our 4.5 hour road trip and slept through the night in the hotel!
Sweet P came to visit
Traveled to PA for Daddy's Board Exam and visited Mimi, Papa Bear, and Auntie K
First time on an airplane and you ROCKED. You slept the whole time!
First time in the pool

Clothes & Diapers //
at the beginning still 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers
moved to 6 mo clothes and size  2 diapers

Health //
She has stayed healthy. Probably because she's never around other kids (oops).
She's not allowed to go to my gym's nursery until she's 6 months so she may get some germ exposure there haha

Diet //
Breast Milk
oatmeal cereal for fun and she loves it!

Sleep //
was 100% sleeping through the night 7:15p-7:00a
18 weeks started waking up 1-2 times per night
Gave her more awake time during the day and
she went back to sleeping 12 hours at night thank goodness! 

Baby Gear Love //
anything she can chew on
loves to watch and reach for the crawl ball

Likes //
loves when we make silly noises and she tries to copy them--so funny!
still LOVES her bath
when mommy "eats" beckett's hands
rubbing daddy's beard
blowing raspberries 

being tired
being strapped in ANYTHING-- high chair, carseat, stroller
doesn't love the bumbo- she arches her back over the back of the chair

Crying //
cries when she's tired and when she's bored/impatient
BAWLS when I start the vacuum while she's awake. If she's in the same room that I am vacuuming she stars WAILING and it breaks my heart. 

New This Month //
rolled over belly to back
rolled over back to belly
reaching for toys that are beside her and in front of her
reaching for mommy and daddy (LOVE THIS)
loves feeling textures (polos hair and daddy's beard)
sitting with little support
will stand from sitting if we hold her hands

Monday, April 27, 2015

Beckett// 4 Months

Beckett // Four Months 
Weight// 12 lbs 12 oz 
Height// 24.5 in

Beckett you have changed SO much this month! You are no longer a teeny newborn anymore. We have loved watching you learn so many new things and you have grown so much. This month you started laughing, found your toes, started sucking your thumb, and have developed quite the personality! A year ago (April 11th) we found out that you would be joining our family. Those tiny pink lines forever changed our lives and we never could've imagined life would be this amazing with you! We are so blessed with a happy baby!

Four Month Events // 
Beckett's new BFF Juilana Grace was born 3/26/2015
Mimi and Auntie K came to visit 
Celebrated 1st Easter
Clothes & Diapers // still 0-3 months, some 3-6 months and size 1 diapers

Health // Happy and healthy girl

Diet // Still 100% Breast Milk 

Sleep // Sleeps 12 hours at night 7:15pm-7:00am
Naps are great! Takes 2, 2 hour naps, and one 45 min nap
This month she dropped her last nap so she's up from 4:45p until bed time at 7:15p
Naps without swaddle but we use Halo Sleep Sack at night

Baby Gear Love //
Rainforest Jumperoo
Still loves her Kick N Play Piano Gym
Crinkley Baby Doll

Likes //
Bath- right after she turned 3 months she started going CRAZY in her bath tub. She trashes around and kicks her legs so hard! It's so funny!
Loves chewing on her hands. Found her thumb this month.
Loves getting a baby massage before bed
ceiling fans
playing airplane
looking in the mirror
TV -even though we don't let her watch TV, when it's on she will practically break her neck to see it.
Singing "Shake it Off"- she giggles so hard during this song!

Being hot
Car seat at first 

Crying //
Cries when she is sleepy and that's about it. We are blessed with a happy girl!

Milestones //
First Laugh 3/20/2015
Found her toes 4/1/2015
Reaching and grasping toys
Found her voice
has rolled from tummy to back a few times but not consistent yet

Friday, March 20, 2015

Beckett // Three Months

Beckett // Three Months
Weight// About 12 lbs
Height// 23 in

Three Month Details // 
Mimi and Papa Bear came to visit!
Went to a restaurant for the first time 
Kate and Cassidy came to visit
Jennifer and Emery came to visit 
Celebrated mommy's 26th (!!!) birthday

Clothes & Diapers // Still in 0-3 clothes and size 1 diapers

Health // healthy girl! 

Diet // 100% Breast milk 

Sleep // Started sleeping in her crib at 9 weeks old! It took 2 nights for her to get adjusted. Has been waking up around 4:45, eats for 10 min, and goes right back to sleep. Started swaddling with one arm out. 

Baby Gear Love //
//glow seahorse
//vtech singing puppy dog

Likes //
//splashing in the bathtub
//when mommy and daddy wake her up she smiles SO big
//when we sing to her

//putting on clothes
//bottles and pacis
//did hate tummy time but tolerating it much better this past week 

Crying //
She's a happy baby most of the time!
She cries when she's sleepy or when she is over tummy time.

Milestones //
//cooing so much more
//holds toys and rattle
//tries to imitate sounds
//holds head up and turns it from side to side
//tracks objects across midline

Friday, February 20, 2015

Beckett: Two Months

Beckett // Two Months
Weight// 10lb 10 oz
Height// 23 in

Two Month Details // This month has been SO much fun! Beckett is becoming more alert during the day which makes her so much fun to interact with. I spend my whole day trying to make her smile. My cheeks seriously hurt at night from smiling at her all day! It's the best way to spend my days!! Beckett LOVES her daddy! She absolutely lights up when Dale comes home and she talks to him WAY more than she does me! Daddy daughter love is the best and melts my heart!
//Sweet P came to visit!
//went shopping for the first time

Clothes & Diapers // 0-3 months //size 1 diapers

Health // Happy and Healthy! Trying to stay away from the nasty flu germs.

Diet // 100% Breast milk 

Sleep // taking all naps in her crib & sleeping 7p-7a.  i wake her at 10p to "dream feed". at 7.5 weeks started sleeping through the night!!! Hallelujah 

Baby Gear Love // kick n' play piano gym //LOVE the miracle blanket--biggest recommendation for all new/expecting mamas //loves to watch and listen to the Leap Frog "My Pal Violet"  //still loving the ergo

Likes // loves being swaddled// loves having her booty patted // bouncing on the yoga ball//loves listening to mommy and daddy talk and make funny noises  // looking at herself in the mirror//shaking her rattle

Dislikes// still hates pacis //is slowly starting to not hate a bottle// tummy time {I get her to do tummy time by laying her on my belly so that she has to pick her head up to look at me} 

Crying //  She is a very happy baby! She cries when she gets dressed, when I put lotion on her, and when she is tired. We are thankful for such a happy little girl!

Milestones // smiling, cooing, flapping at dangling toys, tracking objects, studies our faces, rolls to her side from her back, held a rattle for the first time
*She has rolled over from belly to back three times now by accident because she does not like tummy time so she makes herself flip over haha!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Beckett: One Month

One Month//Jan. 19

Weight: 9lb 1 oz!!! (6.14 at birth)
Height: 21 3/4 ( 20 in at birth)

One Month Details // Celebrated her first Christmas // got to meet her Sweet P, Grampy, Auntie Mackenzie, Great Gran, MiMi, Papa Bear, Auntie Kailey, and Uncle Braxton!
//Took your first bath
// First stroller ride
//Auntie Ana came all the way from Pensacola to visit and snuggle you!! 

Clothes & Diapers // Newborn

Health // Happy and Healthy! Trying to stay away from the nasty flu germs!

Diet // 100% Breast milk 

Sleep //AMAZING. We swaddle her for every nap and at night time and she sleeps so much better. Right now she is taking about 2- 2.5 hr naps during the day and sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night!! 

Baby Gear Love //Beckett LOVES going for walks in the ergo. // She sleeps in her Rock n Play sleeper and I must say this is a MUST HAVE for all new babies! It is such a life saver--I can move her around the house with me during the day and she sleeps in it at night!

Likes//Daddy, Mommy, and Polo! //tummy time //sleeping//starting to like baths

Dislikes//Won't take a Pacis//HATES putting lotion on//does NOT like the disappointing I really wanted her to love it!

Crying //cries when she has to poop {haha}//cries when she's overly tired 

Milestones //umbilical cord fell off on Dec. 24th! // Can hold your head up for short periods of time and turn it from side to side // SMILING at mommy and daddy!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Beckett Taylor Sharpe


6 lbs 14 oz. 

20 inches long

Born at 9:42 a.m. after 3 hrs. 45 min of labor and 10 min of pushing!

Little Lady, 
Mommy and Daddy are SO in love with you. We are so blessed to call you ours and we are so excited to watch you grow!